Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Finds

Deliquesce (verb)

 melt away
The ice began to deliquesce in the hot sun.

Cool stuff I noticed this week:

Inside Story Flashcards: the world's most interesting way to learn words.
Want to message your class?  Try Remind 101.
Draw attention with Skitch.
Turbo-charge your vocabulary with Word Dynamo.
What was there? combines historical photos + Google Maps!
Just for fun:  Do you say pop or soda?

Have a great weekend.


  1. Cool posts. I especially liked Remind 101 - a safe, easy, immediate way to send messages. The pop/soda map was interesting too. It's crazy how much of the country says coke for soda. Coca-Cola must've done some heavy marketing in those areas!

  2. Hi Mary-Jo! Yes, I was excited when I found Remind 101 because you don't see the students' phone numbers and they don't see yours.
